Literary Contest (poetry & prose)
- Category: Competition & Awards
- Hits: 6546
XXIV International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations "World Art Assembly".
Festival Dates: November 23-30, 2023 (10:00-22:00)
Registration deadline: until November 16, 2023
Venue / the address where the festival will take place:
City Promenade "Dream Islands", Moscow Square (Russia, Moscow, Andropov Ave., d.1).
There are two equivalent forms of participation are provided: IN PERSON and IN ABSENTIA.
Participation forms: IN PERSON and IN ABSENTIA
All participants provide competitive works (poetry, prose) in electronic form. Participation in the award ceremony - optional.
The dates of the competitive performances / views by the jury members are placed in the section "Schedule".
in Literary Contest
in Literary Contest
Two groups are invited to participate in the competition:
а) young poets and writers - pupils of educational and specialized institutions, students of studios, circles, centers of extracurricular activities, various creative associations of children, adolescents and youth under the age of 18 years inclusive.
b) adult poets and writers - creating literary works both professionally and as a hobby. Age is not limited.
а) young poets and writers - pupils of educational and specialized institutions, students of studios, circles, centers of extracurricular activities, various creative associations of children, adolescents and youth under the age of 18 years inclusive.
b) adult poets and writers - creating literary works both professionally and as a hobby. Age is not limited.
a) Family history
b) animal stories
c) A dream come true
d) Patriotic theme
e) love stories
e) Fairy tale
g) Humorous theme
i) Free topic
b) animal stories
c) A dream come true
d) Patriotic theme
e) love stories
e) Fairy tale
g) Humorous theme
i) Free topic
Age categories:
- Category “Kids”: up to 7 years
- Category “Young”: from 8 to 10 years
- Category “Middle”: from 11 to 13 years old
- Category “Older”: from 14 to 16 years old
- Category “Junior”: from 17 to 21 years
- Category “Teacher”: not limited
- Category “Kids”: up to 7 years
- Category “Young”: from 8 to 10 years
- Category “Middle”: from 11 to 13 years old
- Category “Older”: from 14 to 16 years old
- Category “Junior”: from 17 to 21 years
- Category “Teacher”: not limited
Evaluation Criteria:
Entries are evaluated by the following criteria:
Entries are evaluated by the following criteria:
1) The integrity of the work
2) Figurative language of the text
Technical requirements:
а) forms for submitting entries: participants submit their entries in electronic form, in Word or PDF format.
b) the poetic work should be up to 200 text lines,
the prose must be no more than 6,000 characters (or 3 pages of printed text, font 12, spacing 1.5).
b) the poetic work should be up to 200 text lines,
the prose must be no more than 6,000 characters (or 3 pages of printed text, font 12, spacing 1.5).
Documents required for registration:
1) application form (in format Word, PDF)
2) label for each art object (in format Word, PDF)
2) label for each art object (in format Word, PDF)
3) competitive works in electronic form (only in Word or PDF format)
4) copy of the participation fee payment:
go to: "Entry fee",
go to:"Payment methods"
go to:"Payment methods"
Additional materials (at availability and publication in the catalog "New Faces in Art"):
а) photo of the author (co-authors)
b) photo of the artistic director
а) photo of the author (co-authors)
b) photo of the artistic director
Send the documents to our e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
According to the results of the jury's work, lists of winners are formed for each age and professional category and in each nomination. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee and the Artistic Council of the competition, recommendations for artistic directors, participation in a number of foreign exhibitions. All participants receive a certificate of participation (Diploma).