Tuesday, 22 October 2024
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Fashion Theater Competition

XXIV International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations "World Art Assembly".

Festival Dates: November 23-30, 2023 (10:00-22:00)
Registration deadline: until November 16, 2023

Venue / the address where the festival will take place: 
City Promenade "Dream Islands", Moscow Square (Russia, Moscow, Andropov Ave., d.1).

There are two equivalent forms of participation are provided: IN PERSON and IN ABSENTIA.

Forms of participation: IN PERSON and IN ABSENTIA
There are two equivalent forms of participation:
1) IN PERSON: original art objects or personal performance are provided for the festival competition program;
2) IN ABSENTIA: the organizing committee prints the files sent to the Organizing Committee with the entries and places them at the exhibition in an art book. The size of the printed A4 files.
Age categories of the participants:
• Category “Kids”: up to 7 years
• Category “Young”: from 8 to 10 years
• Category “Middle”: from 11 to 13 years old
• Category “Older”: from 14 to 16 years old
• Category “Junior”: from 17 to 21 years
• Category “Teacher”: not limited

Based on the results of the jury's work, lists of winners are formed for each age and professional category and in each nomination. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Council of the competition, recommendations for artistic directors, participation in a number of foreign exhibitions. All participants receive a certificate of participation (Diploma). Diplomas to in absentia participants are sent by mail, in person participants are awarded at the award ceremony and then in the organizing committee.
The dates of the contest performances / views by the jury members are placed in the section "Schedule".
Download the "Application form" (in the format WordPDF)
Download "Labels for art objects" (in format WordPDF)

The competition of fashion theaters is held with the aim of preserving the traditions of multinational song culture and identity, popularizing and reviving various areas of performing art, and identifying and supporting talented performers and teachers.

in Competition of Fashion Theater

Creative teams are invited to participate in the competition - theaters and fashion studios - pupils of preschool institutions, schoolchildren of educational institutions, students of studios, circles, centers of extracurricular activities, children's art schools, circles and other creative associations of children and adolescents from 4 to 24 years old .


1) Retro collection
2) Ethno - collection
3) Collection of the future
4) Collection in the style of "modern"
5) Know-how collection (unusual decision of a costume designer, fashion designer)

Evaluation Criteria:
Competitive performances are evaluated according to the following criteria:
a) compliance with the stated theme, aesthetic value;
b) costume design;
c) statement: composition integrity, originality, director's decision;
d) performance: technique of participants, artistry and flexibility of performance

Technical requirements:
a) Fashion theaters present the author’s collection of costumes in the form of a mini-performance or staging fashion shows on the catwalk.
b) Competitive performances are organized according to the schedule, according to the script.
c) The competition takes place in two rounds (semi-finals, finals).
d) Competitive work is the performance of the team (up to 4 minutes), in the form of a completed action or performance.
e) The groups provide phonograms on CDs or mini-disks before the performance.

 Documents required for registration (and publication in the catalog "New Faces in Art"):
1) application form
- application form of the soloist (individual author) (in the format WordPDF)
- team profile (in the format WordPDF)
2) electronic contest entries (video files or video hosting hyperlinks)
3) copy of the registration fee payment:
      go to: "Entry fee",
      go to:"Payment methods"

Additional materials (at availability):
а) photo of the author (co-authors)
b) photo of the artistic director

Send the documents to our e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the address of the Organizing Committee: 119049, Moscow, Krymsky Val, 8, building 2, room "Union of Artists".

According to the results of the jury's work, lists of winners are formed for each age and professional category and in each nomination. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee and the Artistic Council of the competition, recommendations for artistic directors, participation in a number of foreign exhibitions. All participants receive a certificate of participation (Diploma).